Where are the historical trades?

Where can I find the history of all trades?

In the right column of this website you’ll see the “Latest Closed Positions” performance data that makes Jim Fink famous in the financial industry.

You may also view all Open and Closed trades by clicking on the Portfolio link in the top navigation bar of the website. Click on the Closed button at the top of the page.

  • With open trades, the default sorting is by expiration date, nearest to furthest. You can also sort alphabetically by clicking on the “By Alpha” tab.
  • With closed trades, the default sorting is random. You can also sort alphabetically by clicking on the “By Alpha” tab. The “By Date” tab doesn’t work with closed trades because the expiration dates are in the past and no longer exist.

And while looking at the Portfolios you may click on the blue trade date next to each trade in order to view the original email Trade Alert.  

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