Service: Options for Income
- I got assigned–what do I do now?
- How do I earn >$67K per year with Options for Income?
- Am I going to get assigned?
- Can I enter old trades?
- What's a call debit spread?
- Should I close a winning trade early?
- How do I do a “placeholder” trade when I get assigned early?
- How can I get approved for a higher options-trading level?
- What are the differences between Jim Fink’s Velocity Trader and Options for Income services?
- How do I get my order filled? (The “8-Day Fill Rule”)
- What happens in a bear market?
- What if I can’t monitor my trades?
- What is Jim Fink’s seasonality app?
- Can I place a new trade from a roll Alert?
- When will you tell me to roll?
- Does this roll Alert apply to me? What do I do?
- Where are the historical trades?
- Do I really need to do the rolls?
- Which prices are used for performance tracking?
- How do I start earning money with OFI?